2023-08-25 10:28

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Students Demand Climate Action Via The Global Climate Strike

On Friday 20th September, the trade union movement will take action in solidarity to ensure that they don’t fight alone. 

Last week at TUC Congress, hundreds of delegates representing 5.6 million union members voted to support a 30-minute workday campaign action to coincide with the global school strike on 20 September.
The TUC says:

Trade unionists know the importance of standing up and taking action when change is necessary. We will support the fight against climate change to help protect the planet for our children and grandchildren as well as stand up for workers whose jobs are at risk. We need take action to make the transition to a greener economy a just one that puts working people at its heart.
Tomorrow Friday, September 20th, students are taking to the streets across the UK to demand climate action at the Global Climate Strike. These strikes will take place shortly before the UN emergency climate summit to build support for the ambitious agenda needed to tackle the climate crisis.

Restrictive trade union laws make it very difficult for workers to go on strike but that will not stop us. Show our government that workers everywhere want action now by campaigning in your workplaces.  Take a photo on the day and share it with us If thousands of us show solidarity, it will make a real difference. 
Let us know if you're organising a photo in your own workplace or community? We'll provide you with all the information you need to get involved on the day. As the day approaches, we'll keep you updated on other ways you can demand action on climate and a just transition for workers. 

If you're not working next Friday, the school strikers need you to stand with them. There's a full list of actions here

Source: TUC

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